Thursday, June 7, 2012

Well, It's Summer Again!

I just rediscovered this blog I have here. And I was reading over my hatred for high school...well that opinion sure has changed! It was a great year and I met so many new people and made some great friends along the way. I was so sad when it was over! And, I DEFINITELY over exaggerated about that work. It was pretty easy, aside from Algebra 2, but I survived it. I like high school sooooooooooo much better then middle school.  It was great having a new experience and just starting fresh. Now I have the whole summer ahead of me! Oh what to do. My dad recently moved to Pennsylvania so I'm going up there for a month. I'm excited! I've never been, and I can't wait to go shopping in Philly! Beside the farther future, Saturday, the 9th, my friend is having her quinceanera! I can't wait! It's going to be so fun! My and my other friend got her a really cool present. I think she'll like it. Anyways, I'm off. See ya! ~Aspen