Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Weird Dream

Most nights I remember my dreams, and some of them are very strange if you ask me. Last night, I had 2 dreams. The first was cool and confusing and the second on and weird! Anyways, let's get started on explaining things here. In my first dream I was picked out of a bunch of people, but there was also two other people who got picked (I don't know who) and so I was picked to get a bunch of prizes, and I could pick the prizes. One was getting either and ipad, a nook, and something else I don't remember then there was a bunch of antique and miscellaneous items I could pick from all I want. I had a bunch of stuff I wanted and then I asked the lady there helping me if I could have an ipad, because I already had a nook, and she said, "I don't know where it is, I can't find it." And I said "How can you not find it? I already have a nook!" then she said "The nook is worth 900 hundred dollars now! Sell it and get an ipad!" And I'm like "I don't care! I want the ipad!" Very weird dream. Now the second one was in a big field and this lady was gonna go into a huge pumpkin, and there was a  HUGE crowd. I was in the front row and and I left for a bit then I came back and the crowd was too big I couldn't see it. it was such a big disappointment. :( Then my dog ran off then I found her. Haha, so those were my dreams! Hope they entertained you in some way! ~Aspen

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